
Passive house in Kassel
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Lakásszám 23 17
Lakott alapterület 1662 m2 1253 m2
Fajlagos éves fűtési energia felhasználás 15.0 kWh/(m2a) 13.7 kWh/(m2a)
Fajlagos beépített fűtési teljesítmény 8.1 W/m2 7.3 W/m2
Teljes beépített fűtési teljesítmény 24 kW
Teljes éves fűtési energiafelhasználás 42000 kWh



Solar domestic hot water system with 72 m2 solar collector type SKV-3 at the plant Fiorentini in Budapest, for monitoring and marketing as well., 1998. (Fiorentini’s own investment.)

Solar hot water system with 36 m2 solar collector type SKV-3 for a swimming pool and a kindergarten, 2000. (Self-governmental investment with state assistance)

Solar domestic hot water system with 48 m2 solar collector type SKV-3 for a country house ont he roof of a side building and other 48 m2 collector for heating the water for a hotel and a swimming pool on North Hungary, 1997. (Private investment)

Solar domestic hot water system with 144 m2 solar collector type SKV-3 for a welfare centre for 160 persons, on South-East Hungary, 2001. (Self-governmental investment with state assistance)

Solar domestic hot water system with 204 m2 solar collector type SKV-3 for a residental house with 60 flats, on South-West Hungary, 2003. (Private investment)